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These libraries are very tempting but I'm not really familiar with using Synchron player or any of the other products that house these libraries. Does anyone have any good resources regarding the players and how they work? Maybe some benefits/drawbacks would be great, too. (I understand there are probably tons of videos on YT but just wanted to ask for some others' specific recommendations.)
The manual is a good way to start:

And I would recommend to try out the things you read yourself. We have a series of free libraries that are a great way to check the player out without being overwhelmed by all the library contents:

We also have a 30 days demo available of our Prime Edition, a collection of the most important instruments from the Synchron line, condensed to the most important articulations and 2 mic positions:
Decided to go for the Synchron Harp. I do really like the sound of the new synchronized harps in the demos though, however, I think the dedicated Synchron harp player and especially the pedals mode made me more inclined to go with the Synchron Harp.
Why are no upgrade prices from Std to Full displayed after login? So far I have always been able to see my upgrade price.

Edit: I just see that they are displayed in the shopping cart, no longer on the product page. That's a bit tedious.
Edit II: Suddenly they show up .... so, please forget my comments. :cool:
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