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The media and ISIS

After days on end of beheading videos, children impaled, goats raped, we are starting to hear even new scarier talking points like the ground ISIS controls now is the size of Great Britian...... >8o

Eeeewww.....They must be really tough guys.
Doing the math by dividing total square miles by total ruthless Jihadists I came up with this.

Each Terrorist controls 8875 Square Miles.

She-itt, they some bad muthas'....

Great Britian? Helluva place. I must go there.

And lets not forget that Great Brtian is about half the size of Nevada.

Are you weaponising any of your 3U hardware btw? I'm thinking about attacking intruders with 3 Bricastis taped together.
So I've come to some conclusions after thinking and reading and watching.

1. I think ISIS/ISIL is a band of very well funded bloody pirates with religion and conquest as their ideologies, though the young fighters they attract often have additional motivations (money, respect, adventure etc.)

2. I think if we and a coalition continue with heavier air support of a small contingent of ground troops from Iraq, especially the Kurds and a small force of our own people, we can beat them back and severely damage them, rendering them largely ineffective.

3. I do not think of them as an existential threat to the U.S. homeland, but to the extent they could be, the bulk of the responsibility falls on our incredibly well funded home guard, Homeland Security, local police and our covert intelligence forces to deal with no fly lists and internal security.

4. I watched 2 hrs of Fox News. They are definitely promoting hysteria and fear, and ginning up for war, aided by Feinstein and a few hawkish Dems. Politics at its finest.

5. Militarily, I think we should try our best to limit our ground game but be at high readiness as the situation is very fluid.
1, 2, and 5, all agreed and IMHO a wise approach.

3. My brother-in-law works for Homeland Security. Let's just say that is you had dinner with him and listened to what he has experienced, you might have a little less faith in them to keep you safe.

4. I don't know how you managed to do that without constantly rushing to worship the porcelain goddess :)
1, 2, and 5, all agreed and IMHO a wise approach.

3. My brother-in-law works for Homeland Security. Let's just say that is you had dinner with him and listened to what he has experienced, you might have a little less faith in them to keep you safe.

4. I don't know how you managed to do that without constantly rushing to worship the porcelain goddess :)

I didn't say they were good or efficient. I said they were incredibly well funded and I indicated that this is what they were created for.

As for Fox, i routinely spend an hour or two there a week. If 25% of the country accepts them as gospel, I want to hear what they're saying. This last scan confirmed my fears that they have again begun to beat the war drums in the interest of politics and in the desire to sell fear-based advertising time.

Besides my general interest in the affairs of the country, all of that affects my family directly.
Turn on CNN or MSNBC and it's All ISIS All the Time.

The drums of war. Sorry, the more they do this the more convinced I am that the hyperbole is out of hand.

As for Fox, i routinely spend an hour or two there a week.

I spend an hour or two a week slamming my nuts with a brick. It's far less painful.
I have been following Ben Carson and Elizabeth Warren on CSPAN.

They speak about compromise instead of "giving ground" as if representing "us" is some kind of war, or "winning" like it's their show, instead of ours.

I agree, I can't watch any media that is 24/7 and stays afloat by endorsements and ad campaigns.

We pay for PBS and CSPAN, so to me that's where I can see what I am interested in.
50% of the time it's grandstanding committees, which after a minute I delete.

I wish we had a system where like Sparta we had 2 Kings or 2 top dogs.
Warren and Carson would serve America really well and it's so refreshing to see successful people interested in running rather than the usual generational winners and cash cows, or trial lawyers.

Tired of f...ing ISIS, watch them and feel good about things for a few minutes.
If I wrote a song right now I'd have Ak 47 bursts crossfaded into snare press rolls, helicopters with an MXR phaser like Appocolypse Now, I am tainted by images of war.

Thank God my oldest served and got out in 1 piece.
These jack offs ain't touching Junior Chimuelo, I'll go to war against them if they try that shit...
Junior NYC was unpersuadeable. He was 22. Chose his own path.

If you have any sense of me, you damn well know I tried.
Media Parrots are pushing their bosses agenda since the Presidents speech last night.
Seeings how a MAJORITY of Americans want to get involved in war again, they really need to keep the "scare" level up by taking leaks from the White House and passing them along.

Last week no bombing in Syria, this week ...yes.
Last week 10,000 warriors of Allah, this week 30,000.
The media is going to make a bundle for serving their lords for turning American public opinion up over the next month and running ads where Liberals now want to go to war.

This confirms my opinions about how these 2 Crime Families that say they are Liberal and Conservative, are one of the same and have been for quite a while.

As for the Media Parrots, I have a song describing them....

"We're not the kind to go around spreading rumors,
Well really we're just not the gossiping kind,
You'll never hear one of us repeating gossip,
So you better make sure and listen close the first time."
Last I heard it was a well funded 30,000 jihadist ready to cross the border at Mexico and behead all 350 million Americans, simultaneously.

If that's not a threat Chim, then I don't know what is. Forget about Russian and the nukes, the number 1 threat to America is ISIS or is it ISIL or IS ahhhh...whatever.
The media up plays, the Prez downplays and lays out a strategy (not that it was brilliance, but pretty much what I said in my earlier conclusions) that emphasized not "going to war." Fox made quite a deal that the speech was a result of the White House's POLLING. I heard that word repeated over and over in an hour, obviously it's the new dog whistle word.

He absolutely did have to make a speech that indicated he had a forward looking plan because too much hysteria was being ginned up by the media.

It will be interesting to see what happens next.
Pres is just keeping ISIS at bay until the next pres. get's into power to deal with the situation. I feel like it's kind of a punt. This is a game he doesn't want to play.

And he's been hitting the crack pipe too hard if he thinks we're not going to be sending ground troops and leaving it up to the kurds and Iraqis to fight on the ground. That's a pipe dream.
I believe our Government wants to protect us, and for that I am grateful. But this whole thing stinks like shit.

If you ask me, I'd say these guys were killed long ago and the videos were sent to the US demanding money or else. You'd never put this stuff on YouTube as it is a death wish............

But who would want such a Death Wish....? Us, that's who.
So you wait a while until you can let twitter and youtube in on the scam, since they snoop on us any ways, and then BAMM.....now the "polls" rise drastically as Americans want somebody's ass for this.

There was no reason to do this after getting millions from the truth tellers in Europe that had to finally admit they were giving 60+ million to the ISIS guys. They have many more people and want the money, not antagonize the deadliest military around by posting beheadings.....

That's insane as you now get no more money, and people want you dead....????

But it's just my opinion as I don't believe a word I hear from the liars in NYTimes, or DC.

This distrust started long ago and I have seen so many friends and friends kids come home tore up or never make it back. Once the lies burn in there's no such thing as trust again.
Wish we had a more honest Government, but in this day and age, I guess it's great to know we have the best liars in a world of liars.

Hope they get it right this time.
I believe our Government wants to protect us, and for that I am grateful. But this whole thing stinks like shit.

There are a lot of star chamber residents standing invisible behind your President. He is acting after 2 years of this crap because he's bee told to act. Sinister times.

And if you think the EU countries will give you anything more than a cursory nod of help in this you are sadly mistaken.
I believe our Government wants to protect us, and for that I am grateful. But this whole thing stinks like s@#t.

There are a lot of star chamber residents standing invisible behind your President. He is acting after 2 years of this crap because he's bee told to act. Sinister times.

And if you think the EU countries will give you anything more than a cursory nod of help in this you are sadly mistaken.

They will if it's event-driven. That's how things work.
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