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Sordina 2: Explore New Horizons with Brass and String Mutes!

How well does Sordina 2 works on the following libs?

- BBCSO Pro (strings and brass)
- AROOF (brass)
- ARO V1 and Celli
- Some of the BB and THB.

I just received an email from Libre Wave with a generous discount and Sordina 2 seems really tempting if it works great on all of this.
Works fine for me - BBSO Pro; ARO V1 & Cell; Haven't tried with other stuff. but see no reason why it should be a problem. I like it.
How well does Sordina 2 works on the following libs?

- BBCSO Pro (strings and brass)
- AROOF (brass)
- ARO V1 and Celli
- Some of the BB and THB.

I just received an email from Libre Wave with a generous discount and Sordina 2 seems really tempting if it works great on all of this.
So far I’ve had good luck with it on all my brass (SSB, THB, BB). Lots of different mute presets. I haven’t tried the string presets.
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