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Why does Hans Zimmer only use PC as main sequencer?

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If I had been using PCs for many decades, and I knew Windows intimately, I'd probably not consider changing to anything else for multiple reasons, if what I had was working for me and my music.
I used PCs for decades, built quite a few of them myself, knew Windows intimately. Was forced to use a Mac for a project back when I had a day job and fell in love with the operating system. The only thing I use a Windows PC for now is tax software, because the package I use isn't available for Mac (even though other versions of the same software are—go figure).

Once you go Mac you'll never go back. That's true for me, at least.
The only computers that are silent are those that are powered off. Mac or PC.

You might not be able to hear them, but somebody with good hearing can.

The best way to reduce computer noise is to put the computer in another room. Mac or PC.
Maybe a Mac Studio? But my MBP M1 is completely silent.

Edit: or maybe it’s my hearing.

I used PCs for decades, built quite a few of them myself, knew Windows intimately. Was forced to use a Mac for a project back when I had a day job and fell in love with the operating system. The only thing I use a Windows PC for now is tax software, because the package I use isn't available for Mac (even though other versions of the same software are—go figure).

Once you go Mac you'll never go back. That's true for me, at least.
Pretty much what happened to me. Also used to build PCs for a living.

I also tried four different Windows phones. Way back. All kept freezing up. Tried an iPhone out of pure desperation and haven’t looked back.

A desktop PC with a proper case and cooling is dead silent.
This is such a non issue and far from the truth. I often have a condensor mic recording a few feet away from my tower and nothing nada is getting in that shouldn't. My last 4 to 5 PCs have been silent monsters of their time. (Good track title BTW)

As for mobility, the only agreed upon advantage of Mac laptops is indeed they are appearently very quiet compared to PC laptops (which is a huge a advantage for audio people surely), other then that to say they are "better compared to anything on Windows" is a personal opinion (that may be true for you and your needs), but when you compare specs objectively the complete opposite is true.

And let's not even mention the prices, we are talking double money if not much more often for less performance..


Oh shoot, this IS a MAC vs PC debate :rofl:
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Yes, nicely played by the OP. Bastige.

It is not as quiet as people think it is.
and the sound of the water keeps making people want to pee.

I wonder why EVH never used a Les Paul. Why did Angus Young prefer a SG over a LP. Why is it all of these metal dudes like Ibanez.
There's also something called sponsorship. If you use a PC that rules out a lot.

I always wonder why we are so into what the big boys use. Like somehow that magic will rub off on us.
Don’t tell me you didn’t buy that HZ Rabbit’s Foot like the rest of us. We need all the help we can get
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For the people putting comp in another room/closet, how long is your USB cable run to your audio interface (which I assume is at your composing/procrastinating station)? that's always been the problem for me.
For the people putting comp in another room/closet, how long is your USB cable run to your audio interface (which I assume is at your composing/procrastinating station)? that's always been the problem for me.
I use an 8 meter USB extension cable. I guess adding up to about 16 meters in total, I can't remember if I have daisy chained them but it seems likely considering the room dimensions. Except it was not used for my interface.

Edit: Actually, it worked for my RME Babyface Pro at the time.
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For the people putting comp in another room/closet, how long is your USB cable run to your audio interface (which I assume is at your composing/procrastinating station)? that's always been the problem for me.
Remember that you can also use USB over Ethernet and HDMI over Ethernet, if you need bigger distances, up to 150 ft max. This will minimise interference and loss/retransmission.
Well, i think the money you spend on good quality long cables and/or extenders is better used for silent PC components instead.
For the people putting comp in another room/closet, how long is your USB cable run to your audio interface (which I assume is at your composing/procrastinating station)? that's always been the problem for me.
I use a hub USB as an extension for my keyboard/mouse and a long USB cable for my novation controller
The original usb cable from the audio interface reach the PC so i have saved some money there hehe
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