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Kontakt Color Numbers

You can use hex numbers in there if you like instead, I think you start with a 9 and end with an X, or something like that. It's in the manual.
I understand I have to use Hex like "9FF0000h" but Nils KSP editor does not accept this and its causing compiling errors, it wont compile. Is there a setting I can change?
What version of the KScript Editor are you using?

Both V151 and V152 accept the 1234h notation as well as both accepting C-style notation with 0x1234.


I understand I have to use Hex like "9FF0000h" but Nils KSP editor does not accept this and its causing compiling errors, it wont compile. Is there a setting I can change?
What kind of UI do you try to color? $CONTROL_PAR_BAR_COLOR
sets the color of the step bar in UI tables and UI waveforms only (on init CB).
Here is an example which is compiled in KSE without any problems (note the KSE transforms the Hex into Dec after the compilation):
on init
declare ui_table %STUFF[10](5,5, 10)  
end on
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